About us
Tha prògram bliadhnail againn do chloinn agus na teaghlaichean aca leis am bi sinn:
- A’ cruthachadh chothroman do dh’òigridh Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn
- A’ brosnachadh òigridh pàirt a ghabhail ann an ceòl tradiseanta agus na h-ealain Gàidhlig
- A’ togail dàimh nan òigridh leis a’ coimhearsnachd agus an dualchas eileanach aca fhèin
- A’ toirt chothroman do theaghlaichean a thighinn còmhla agus sgilean is tàlantan ùra a thogail
We offer an annual programme of events for children and their families through which we aim to:
- Create opportunities for young people to speak and use Gaelic
- Encourage young people to participate in traditional music and the Gaelic arts
- Connect young people with their local community and island history
- Bring families together to learn and develop new skills and talents
Tha sinn a’ tabhann leasanan-ciùil tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig, obair-bhuidhinn agus chlasaichean do luchd-ciùil is do sheinneadairean adhartach.
Bidh sinn ag obair le luchd-ciùil a tha aig àrd ìre agus a’ tarraing a-steach dhaoine bhon choimhearsnachd aig a bheil sgilean is eòlas. Tha beul-aithris, òrain is eòlas na sgìre aig crìdhe ar n-obrach.
We provide instrumental and group lessons taught through the medium of Gaelic for children of all ages and abilities, including masterclasses and groupwork classes for more advanced young musicians and singers.
We work with musicians of the highest calibre and draw upon the skills and talents of the local Gaelic community to place local songs, stories and knowledge at the heart of our teaching.